Senin, 24 September 2012


english lessons


The Announcement is the messege or information submitted to the crowd / audience community . typically, the announcement only convey a messege or information concerning things lively. for example. the announcement of the school walls in magazines, announcement is newspapers or magazines.

 example announcement


For all students / student SMKN 1 Pinrang

Implementation Perseni SMKN 1 Pinrang be held on 12 to 20 December 2012. Here is a list of competition Perseni SMKN 1 Pinrang:
* Basketball
* Footsal
* Football
* Badminton
* Volly
* Speech
* Spelling Bee
* School board magazine
All classes must register their team sebelum12 December 2012. The winner will get a trophy and a prize. Thank you for your attention and good luck!


To: All Members of the football club

Do you want to come and join us for regular football training every Thursday and Saturday from 02:00 to 16:00 at the stadium Pinrang, COST FREE
Thank you for your attention.

Executive Committee

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