Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Understanding the problem

Kewirausahaan lesson



Is "The difficulty that drives people to solve them"

The characteristics of Issues
• 1. The difficulties to be solved
• 2. Is a challenge that must be overcome
• 3. Meet to discuss the elements that move.
• 4. Bersipat important and realistic
• 5. Useful to solve

Type of Issue:
  Personal a.Masalah
  b.Masalah Family
  c.Masalah organization / enterprise
  d.Masalah Community

Troubleshooting Techniques
• Individual Issues:
• Try to understand the problem carefully
• Analyze the problem carefully
• Measure the ability themselves to memecakan problem.
• Finding data or facts and information that reinforce problem solving.
• Consult degan berkompoten person or institution, and make decisions.
For example:
• One student level X CLOTHING having trouble adjusting to the course department.
The problem pemcahan steps:
• Understanding the root of the problem
• Analyze yourself to the classroom environment, family, learning, and others.
• Seek the help of friends to be invited to the discussion the problem.
• Consult with a BK teachers, homeroom teachers, and other teachers.
Group Issues:
• Discussion on the method used to solve problems in a group with the deliberation and consensus, and if it had not reached a deal can be done by voting.
• Idea Development Method:
  Brain Sturming (brainstorming) is in a group problem-solving techniques to provide the widest opportunity for group members to express their opinions freely in discussing an issue.
  Brain Writing is a brainstorming technique to convey ideas / opinions through writing on pieces of paper.
  Synectic is a problem solving technique to emphasize the spontaneous activity of the brain and nervous system

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