Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Soil Layer

IPA lesson

Soil layer

The following will be presented soil. soil usually consists of several layers, the general soil, namely:

a. Topsoil

This layer thickness between 10-30 cm, color brown to blackish, more friable soil which is usually called if or farmland. This layer is where the main plant growth. Here live and breed all jasat living soil and a layer of fertile soil. Black / brown and fertile soil caused by soil interest (ie a mixture of plants and animals that have been dead and rotting in the upper soil layers).

b. Lower soil layers
This layer is between 50-60 cm thick, so thick than topsoil. The color is reddish, lighter or younger, and more dense, it is often called the land of rock (padas) or hard ground.
Substances generally very little plant food. That alone is only found in the layer adjacent to the topsoil. Here jasat reduced life activities, as well as plant roots. Unless plants are long-lived (annual) having a deep taproot.
c. Layers of the soil parent material
Under the second soil layer (below ground), there is a layer of striking colors: reddish or whitish gray layer is called soil parent material, as it is the parent of origin or lower soil layers.
This layer can be broken down and change easily, but it is difficult to be penetrated by roots. On the slopes of these layers are clearly visible, where the layer above it has been lost or washed away by rain water. Thus the land was difficult and generally treated very dwarf does not contain much nutrients.
d. Parent rock layers
At the bottom there is a layer of soil parent material of the fourth layer, which is usually called the parent material. It is still a rock solid, has not experienced the process of solving, this is the parent material soil amended with some process takes a very long time.
This material is much deeper, it is rarely seen on the ground. In the mountains are visible, but plants can not live, if covered little ground vegetation can survive, but only grass course.
Not all of the land is like what has been described. Padas may land was located on the surface of the earth, so that the upper layer is very thin, in fact there are times when the host rock was visible, so the soil is practically non-existent. In short; land in many places is not the same thickness, depending on the lay of the land itself. For example, in the mountainous areas in the different areas of the valley. Then plant life would be different.
The land is good for farming land located in the valley, while on the slopes will look into layer 3 (three) or layers to 4 (four) in the mountains of the land itself is very thin.

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