Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

The Healthiest Sports Cycling

 Penjas lesson

The Healthiest Sports Cycling

Exercise bikes a popular choice amongst many in the developed and developing world. But actually how good exercise bike for health, especially if you have not been exercising?
Is swimming or gymnastics with a diversity of facilities to be a better alternative?If you calculate the number of calories burned, exercise bikes are actually not quite ideal choice.

"If you compare running and cycling with the same intensity both tall, running burns more calories because you have to move your body mass continuously. Yet this is like comparing apples and oranges," says Professor Jamie Timmons from Loughborough University in England.

Just compare the number of calories burned to determine the type of exercise you choose but ignore the consequences of such exercise for the body as a whole, certainly not a wise choice, especially when you're just starting to exercise again.

Bearing joints

Run it may be better to continue to move the body mass. But with that all joints in the body also will continue to accept the burden of buffeting.


 matematika lesson

ne cone if sliced horizontally, then the cut circle. If the cone is cut at an angle (and not cut the base), then formed an ellipse. If the slices cut its base and cut it vertically, then formed a hyperbole. If the slices are not cut off its base and cut it vertically, then formed a parabola.

We know it is the ellipse equation
\ frac {x ^ 2} {a ^ 2} + \ frac {y ^ 2} {b ^ 2} = 1

Hyperbola equation similar to equation ellipse. It's just that the sign is not positive, but negative. Hyperbolic equation is as follows:
\ frac {x ^ 2} {a ^ 2} - \ frac {y ^ 2} {b ^ 2} = 1

How graphic image of a hyperbole?
For instance the image graph of the equation: \ frac {x ^ 2} {16} + \ frac {y ^ 2} {9} = 1

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

graphs of mathematical functions

matematika lesson

graphs of mathematical functions

10 pictures funny in sport

Praiseworthy traits

Agama lesson

Praiseworthy traits

Siddiq Wahid also discussed admirable qualities (virtue) in some of his writing. Praiseworthy traits or he is talking about is as follows exposure.

1. Tafakkur and Tawbah
Tafakkur is thought that contains recognition and regret the mistakes and repent of all sin. How long vigil he says, is to read two sentences Shahadah slowly and appreciate its meaning. Furthermore, do three things in tafakkur namely:
1.1. 'Ibrah, namely finding fault with yourself, regret, and promised never to do it again works.
1.2. Khawf, which is the fear of God's wrath and punishment and the fear of not being accepted charity.
1.3. King ', the hope of the grace and mercy of God, and hope to welcome all deeds.

2. Al-Zuhd
Eternal life is the life in the hereafter, while living in the world should be a provision to the afterlife. Furthermore, he warns that life should not be fooled and deceived the world.

3. Resignation
Tawakal is surrendered. In his verse lyric "surrender not regret" may be willing to what God Almighty. The explanation is in line with the opinion of Al-Hafi Bishr Al-Qushayri quoted saying "I put their trust in Allah., While others lie to him. If he had put their trust in Allah., Then surely he is willing to do what the (desired) by Allah ".

Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Understanding the problem

Kewirausahaan lesson



Is "The difficulty that drives people to solve them"

The characteristics of Issues
• 1. The difficulties to be solved
• 2. Is a challenge that must be overcome
• 3. Meet to discuss the elements that move.
• 4. Bersipat important and realistic
• 5. Useful to solve

Type of Issue:
  Personal a.Masalah
  b.Masalah Family
  c.Masalah organization / enterprise
  d.Masalah Community

religious tolerance

 Agama lesson

religious tolerance

In recognition of the strength of religion or the Supreme Being, God, Allah, God, Yahweh, Elohim, which is accompanied by submission, it is nature (instinct) possessed by every human being. Nevertheless, people still need a warning not to deviate from nature, they are the prophets and apostles.

Feelings of submission to the Supreme Being, called faith, or faith, which then have an impact on the sense of love (rughbah), fear (ruhbah), respect (ta'dzim) and others, that the basic elements of al-din (religion) . Al-din (religion) are the rules or procedures-human way of life he believed originated from the Almighty to bliss in this world and in the hereafter.

Various religions have been born in this world and establish a Shariah (rules) that govern human life, which is contained in the holy books, both religions of the Book (which is derived from divine revelation) as well as those contained in ardli religion (culture) derived from human thought. All religions, both divine and ardli, has a function in human life. These functions are: (i) shows a man the real truth; (ii) shows a man the ultimate happiness, and (iii) regulate human life in a common life.

Various State Government System in the World

PKN lesson

Various State Government System in the World

Each country adopts a different rule. Although in theory, the system of government is divided into parliamentary system of government, presidential system of government, monarchical system of government, etc., but in fact each country would undertake a wide range of adjustment for the smooth implementation of the system of government.
Not infrequently there is also a country that carry out governance system which is a combination or a combination of more than one type of system of government.
Here is a system of government in many countries of the world:

England is a country that adopts a monarchical government but more influenced by the parliamentary system of government as the executive body of the state that nature consists of the king is inviolable. Although the monarch is formally dissolve parliament and give instructions for an election return, but they made the king on the advice of the prime minister. That is to say that the system of government in the UK to further highlight the cabinet system of government, so many people are giving the term cabinet government (government cabinet) to the UK.

State Ideology

 PKN lesson

State Ideology

In the four pillars of nationhood, there is one after the other inside the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Republic of Indonesia (New Order), and the slogan of national unity as a people united Indonesia is multikultur.Pilar which advocates the establishment of a building or structure, such as
Indonesian state should be supported by pillars which is certainly more than one mutually support each lainya.Pancasila that are part of this very important pillar keberadaannyadalm realize the goal of the state of being in Indonesia.Pancasila which means five basic, it consists of five items that constitute the basic foundation of life atupun berketuhanan, community and country berkepemimpinan in Indonesia in realizing the noble ideals of a just society and makmur.Pancasila is the result of consensus with domestic figures perumusnya one is Ir.Soekarno and ratified on June 1 as the state 1945.Lahirnya Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia in the eyes of the world to make sense of existence.

The content of Pancasila which is the result of consensus and form a guide for the whole society Indonesia are: 1) Belief in One God almighty, 2) just and civilized humanity, 3) the unity of the people of Indonesia, 4) democracy guided by the wisdom of deliberations hikmad representatives, serta5 ) Realizing social justice for all citizens a basic Indonesia.Sungguh truly mature has prepared a very rational systematics.

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012


Kewirausahaan lesson


1. Understanding Business Proposal
In general, the business proposal is a written document prepared by the entrepreneur in describing all relevant elements both internal and external of the business plan.

Another definition describes that business proposal or business plan is a selling document that reveals the attractiveness and expectations of a business that will be open to potential funders.

According to Bygrave: A business plan is a document that convoys selling the excitement and promise of your ussines to any potential backers or stakeholders.
It is a document that expressed confidence in the ability of a business to sell goods or services to generate satisfactory profits and attractive to funders.

According to Hisrich Peters: The business plan is written document prepared by the entrepreneur that describes all the relevant external and internal elements INVOLVED in starting a new venture. Often it is integration of functional plans such as marketing, finance, manufacturing and human resources.
Is a written document prepared by the entrepreneur that describes all the relevant elements of both internal and external to the company about starting a business, usually involving marketing, capital, manufacturing and human resources.

10 photos unique cake shape

system of goverment indonesia

 PKN lesson


Under legislation - 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia government system is as follows:
1. Indonesian state based on law, not by power alone.
2. System of government based on the constitution (basic law) non-absolutism (unlimited power)
3. State power in the hands of the supreme deliberative assembly of the people.
4. The President is the supreme organizer of the State government under MPR. In running state government power and responsibility are prsiden hands.
5. The President is not accountable to Parliament. The President must be approved by parliaments in shaping legislation - legislation and to set a budget and state spending.
6. Minister of State is a presidential aide who appoint and dismiss ministers of State. Minister of State is not responsible to Parliament.
7. Head of the State unlimited powers.
the president should pay attention to it - indeed the House effort.

The power of the State of Indonesia according to the constitution 1 to chapter 16. Article 19 to Article 23 paragraph (1) and paragraph (5), and Article 24 are:
1. Run power laws - State legislation or executive power by the government.
2. The power to give consideration to the state government or consultative powers by DPA.
3. Power to make laws - State laws or legislative powers by Parliament.
4. Powers held a state audit or authority or power inspektif eksaminatif by BPK.
5. Retain regulatory powers - State legislation or judicial power by the Supreme Court.

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Aims and objectives of business

Kewirausahaan lesson

Aims and objectives of business

The purpose of Business
The purpose of business is something to be achieved or produced by the company concerned. The purpose of Business is bersipat quantitative targets and the achievement of these targets is a measure of the success of the company's performance

Because of the importance of consistency of purpose, vision and mission makaperumusan should be taken seriously, the vision and mission of the company should be defined as short as possible with clear specifications, so that everyone will always remember.

An entrepreneur should be able to break the main purpose company, a goals-called smaller target.
In more detail, an entrepreneur setting corporate objectives in its business plan as follows:
 To achieve success in business
 Organize and establish cooperation with other companies
 Useful for merging with another company
 Invite people who have the skills to work together
 Ensure focus on the goal of various personnel in the company.
Target Business:
To realize the business idea or plan, required business concepts and business objectives will be achieved. Determination of objectives and strategies that entrepreneurs always pay attention dilakukanseorang functional requirements, capabilities, opportunities and so on.

10 photos unique wedding dresses

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence

PKN lesson

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence

On August 6, 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the United States have begun to demoralize the spirit of the Japanese army in the world. A day later Investigation Agency Business BPUPKI Preparation of Indonesian Independence, or "Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai", renamed PPKI (Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence) or also called Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai in Japanese, to further confirm the desire and goal of achieving the independence of Indonesia. On August 9, 1945, the second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, causing the Japanese surrendered to the United States and its allies. This moment is also used by Indonesia for its independence.Indonesian flag raised 17 August 1945.jpg

 Sukarno, Hatta PPKI as leader and as a former chairman Radjiman Wedyodiningrat BPUPKI flown to Dalat, 250 km north-east of Saigon, Vietnam to meet Marshal Terauchi. They reported that the Japanese were on the verge of defeat and will give independence to Indonesia. Meanwhile in Indonesia, on August 10, 1945, Sutan Syahrir had heard the news on the radio that the Japanese had surrendered to the Allies. The underground fighters preparing to proclaim the independence of Indonesia, and rejected form of independence given as a gift of Japan.

Senin, 03 Desember 2012


Kewirausahaan lesson


Entrepreneurship is the stuff that relates to one's courage in running the business

Definition of Entrepreneurship
People who have the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities, gather the resources needed to take advantage and quick action to ensure success.

Enterprise purpose:
1. Increase the number of quality entrepreneurs
2. Public awareness or provide a strong awareness of entrepreneurship and strong communities
3. Produce progress and prosperity
4. Cultivate the spirit, attitude, behavior and entrepreneurial skills among the

Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

building a business vision and mission

kewirausahaan lesson

1. Knowing the Company's Vision and Mission.

a. Company Vision:
        The company's vision is insight into the source of direction for the company and is used to guide the formulation of the mission. In other words, the company's vision is a distant view of the future, where the company is going under, or a picture of what is desired by the company. The company's vision is a picture of the future that will be selected and that will be realized at a specified time.


      The formulation of the company's vision, should be a shared vision of all components of the organization. The purpose of setting the company's vision is as follows:
• Reflecting the company something to be achieved
• Has the company's future orientation
• Potential high commitment from all levels of the company and the environment.
• Ensure continuity of the company's organizational leadership

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